Dear Addy,
Oh how the time flies and I can't believe your 4 years old already. It seems like just yesterday they laid you on my belly and a love like only a mom can describe instantly began. In this instance, you became my first born and my precious angel.
I knew from early on that you were going to be a fighter and in these short four years I have seen you be just that. You are stronger than you will ever know. You have touched the lives of everyone you met and you create constant smiles for those around you.
In the last four years you have turned me into a mom, a teacher, a therapist, an advocate, a coach and a friend. I will forever remain all of these to you. You have taught me strength and determination more than anyone ever could have. I know that you will continue to amaze me as the years go on.
This past year, you became a big sister and you have taken on this role very seriously and very effortlessly. I have watched your kindness and patience with Breslyn and admire what a great big sister you have become. I know that you will continue to be a great teacher for her as you grow together for years to come. I can't wait to see how your relationship with her will blossom.
Your three year old year also brought the start of school for you. I love that you love school and I have loved watching you learn things. I look forward to every evening when you come home and tell me all about your day and what you learned. I love how intuitive, imaginative and creative you are.
I am sad on this day that my "baby" is growing up, but excited to see what the future has in store for you.
Addy....don't ever stop being you and always keep that smile on your face. I love you more than you will ever know.
Love, Mommy