I've been struggling for some time with the independence issue with Addy. My goal for her is to be as independent as possible, however, I am seeing that at times I am finding this goal difficult to obtain. Not because of things we do or do not do, but more because of equipment issues. Whenever we go somewhere, I am torn between which mode of mobility to give her. I really want her to utilize her walker as much as possible, but there are a number of times when we are held back.
For example, at the zoo yesterday, I so badly wanted to allow Addy to have the opportunity to use her walker during times when we took breaks and her other 2 year old friend was able to run and jump and play around us. Addy on the other hand is left to sit or crawl on the ground without the walker. Problem is, I have no way of transporting the walker when we go places. I can't manage a stroller along with a walker in my hands and I have tried every possible way of hanging the walker on the stroller and it just doesn't fit. Several months ago Aaron and I went to a babies store. We took the walker in with us and pulled every stroller imaginable off the shelves to see if it was adequate enough to be able to sling the walker over. Nothing worked:(
So, after speaking with her PT, we decided to order Addy an orthopedic stroller. She would eventually need one as long distances will probably always be difficult for her. This stroller would allow for the ability to place the walker on the handlebars and still utilize the stroller. We had an appointment with a vendor from Wright and Filippis and Addy was measured for the stroller. Time until arrival was about two months pending it was approved by insurance.
Insurance- that's the issue. I received a phone call saying that our insurance does not allow for pre-approval (which I think is crazy). Therefore, the equipment would have to be ordered and delivered to me before the insurance could be billed. At that point if the insurance denies the claim then we are stuck to pay the bill. UGHHHH! I can't do that. This stroller costs about $2000.
I still think I was told the wrong information and we are checking into it more, but yesterday at the zoo made me realize just how much we need the stroller. I honestly felt bad that she was left to sit when she could have been up on her feet and moving around. I also know that I have been putting us both in unsafe situations by trying to carry Addy along with the walker to avoid some distance, but still give her the option to walk some of it. She certainly is not light and then adding the walker only makes it worse.