Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A Summer of Addy-ventures

What on earth am I talking about...Addy-ventures???? Well, I have set a goal for myself and Addy this summer. The goal is that each day I will create or do a new adventure or activity with Addy that she has not yet experienced. It can be big or small, preferably free of charge, but will always be FUN and PLAYFUL!

Today was the beginning of our Addy-ventures and Addison had two new experiences today. The first was the library. I took her to the Sterling Heights library for the first time. She's a book worm so I knew she would enjoy it, but honestly we never made it to the book section while we were there. Addy had so much fun doing puzzles, coloring, playing with the train set and exploring the children's area that we never even read a book. But....we definitely checked out some new books that we have already read several times at home along with two music CD's for the car rides.

Then tonight we were invited over to the neighbor's house to go swimming in their pool. Addy loves to play with Isabelle who is 16 months old. While we were there Addy had a push-up for the first time (and no I'm not talking about exercise.) Remember those push-ups we used to eat as kids. I loved them. Well Addy did as well.

How many new experiences can we fit in this summer? The possibilities are endless so I've started a list on the side so we can keep track. Here's to a summer filled with Addy-ventures!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Glad your summer is starting off well. Boy do I have a story for you about Lamphere! ooooooh made me mad!! LOL

Enjoy your summer!