Sunday, October 31, 2010


Happy Halloween!

Addy had a great time trick-or-treating this year. She got a stash of candy all from going down one street. I think that people see this cute little girl on a walker coming their way and they are over generous. Problem is that we are really having to watch Addy's weight lately, so we made a deal with her. She was allowed to eat 2 pieces after we got home and pick out 10 pieces to save for herself. The rest we "sold" to grandma in exchange for money to make a trip to the toy store. At least her physical efforts of walking all that way won't go unaccounted for. We will make our toy store trip next weekend.

We started out with Breslyn in the stroller, but it was just too cold and we ended up taking her back to the warm house. Maybe next year:(

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